Sikkim Tourism and Civil Aviation Department ئاپەکان

Sikkim Tourism Official 1.8
Sikkim a beautiful state in India hasbeengiven many names. The Lepchas, original inhabitants of thelandcalled it Nye-mae-el "paradise". The Limbus named it Su Khimor`new house' while to the Bhutias it was Beymul Demazong `thehiddenvalley of rice'.Today, travelers embarking on a journey of Sikkim discoveramystical wonderland of spectacular natural beauty. Thepanoramicperfection of the snow-capped Himalayas, the heady scentofflower-bedecked meadows, the vibrant culture and joyousfestivals,the infinite variety of its flora and fauna makes it aholiday thatis at once fascinating and challenging.The crowning glory of Sikkim is Mt. Khangchendzonga, thethirdhighest mountain in the world. With magnificent snow andicescenery it is often regarded as the undisputed monarch amongthepeaks of the world. But for the Sikkimese Khangchendzonga ismuchmore than a mountain and is revered as the abode of theirguardiandeity Dzo-nga.Sikkim shares its border with Nepal in the west and Bhutan intheeast, with the Tibetan plateau rising from its northern border.Itwas once a Himalayan monarchy and part of the fabled Silk RoutetoChina. Its merger with India in 1975 has offered a window totheworld to discover the treasures of this hidden land.The mighty and majestic mountains, green valleys,wilderness& sense of adventure, delightful cuisines, peacefuland crimefree State, Hot spot of biodiversity and a mixture ofthings thatwould make any place on the earth a delight to visit,has madeSikkim the hot destination for Tourism that it should be.Virtuallyunexplored, offers unique opportunities in almost all themajoraspects of Tourism. The State Government in the past yearshavegiven top priority and importance for development of sufficientandrequired infrastructure for the development of tourism intheState.Sikkim has all the elements that go into making a holidayanunforgettable experience.The mobile app provides a glimpse of this beautiful state.Itprovides in-depth valuable information for tourists and helpsthemplan their visit. A paradise awaits...